• Time Management

    First and foremost, are we talking about time management or procrastination? Procrastination is often thought of as an issue of time management, not an issue of emotion. However, in recent years it has been linked more to emotions than previously thought. A lack of ability to manage time, or a propensity towards procrastination generally stems from a fear of failure.…

  • Forgiveness of Self and Others

    Contrary to popular belief, forgiveness is not a requirement in some scenarios. Forgiveness and acceptance are often linked when discussing the past and have even been traditionally included in twelve step programs. When looking towards the past, it is important to accept what has happened, as it cannot be changed. However, it is not necessary to forgive. The concept of…

  • Finding Passions

    “The meaning of life is to find your gift; the purpose of life is to give it away.” Pablo Picasso If someone sat you down today, and genuinely asked “what are you passionate about?”, how would you answer? You may have multiple passions filling your heart and your schedule, or like most people, you may still be searching for that…

  • Confidence

    Have you ever met someone who just emanated confidence with every fiber of their being?  Or the opposite, have you ever met someone who was so full of self-doubt that you could feel it? Maybe you are one of these people, or maybe like the rest of us, you are somewhere in between. If you are looking ton increase your…