The Truth About Loneliness

“A season of loneliness and isolation is when the caterpillar gets its wings. Remember that next time you feel alone.” – Mandy Hale Loneliness is one of the hardest things to overcome; We have a natural need to be connected with others, through both physical and social contact. Although we can be surrounded by people […]

Living with Your Parents as an Adult

When times are uncertain you may be forced to rely on your family. Of course, you’re thankful that you have them. But living with your parents as an adult can have a lot of downsides as well. With the current COVID-19 pandemic, many adults have been living with their parents because they are unable to […]

Guilt: The Emotion of Feeling Responsible

Feeling guilt is a completely normal emotional experience that everybody feels when they realize they have compromised their own standards or universal moral standards. When we think guilt, we think of a criminal being guilty, so what happens when we feel guilty, over something that feels huge, but may not actually need a guilty feeling […]

Everything you need to know about shame

Shame is one of the most debilitating emotions that we can feel as humans. It has a sneaky way of embedding itself within our minds in a way that becomes second nature. We may not even realize how much shame is affecting our day to day lives. What is shame? Shame is defined as not […]

Gaslighting: Psychological Manipulation and How to Handle It.

Every relationship, either friendly or romantic, is built on trust and truth, so what happens when the truth begins to become fuzzy? Gaslighting is a type of psychological control and manipulation, where the victim is fed lies and false information, to the point that they begin to question what they know themselves to be true. […]

Feeling Stuck

“I feel stuck.” Have you ever said this to yourself at a time when you didn’t know what to do with your life, or where to go? It can feel completely debilitating not to be able to make a decision on how to spend the rest of your life, let alone the remainder of the […]

Feeling Overwhelmed? The Burnout Blues

Most likely, you’ve experienced burnout at least once in your life (I know I have!). When the stress of work gets to be too much, you may begin to feel the effects. Now add on the stress of maintaining a family life, a social life, and a personal life. Chances are, it feels nearly impossible […]

Some basics about art therapy

Art therapy has been around since the 1940’s, but has only recently begun to gain traction as a legitimate form of therapy in recent years. The term “art therapy” was coined by British artist Adrian Hill, who began to notice the emotional and possibly therapeutic benefits of art. The field began to grow in both […]

How to be more mindful

It is highly likely that we have heard the term “mindfulness” thrown around in conversation, on social media or on television. But what exactly is mindfulness? And how exactly can we be mindful in our day-to-day life? Mindfulness is comprised of two things, awareness and acceptance. It is the ability to be present in your […]

A little bit about being sex-positive

Sex positivity is used to identify those who “emphasize openness, nonjudgmental attitudes, freedom, and liberation about sexuality and sexual expression” (Donaghue, 2015). Thinking from a sex-positive lens means that you view sex not as dirty, or sacrilegious, but as a normal, and potentially enjoyable part of life. Many people have not adopted a sex-positive framework, […]