Have a Safe and Healthy Thanksgiving

This year looks different and it can be frustrating and overwhelming. Especially with Thanksgiving being tomorrow. Most of us just want one small thing to go back to normal, but we aren’t there yet as a society. This is really rough on all of us and our mental health. But there are a few small things you can do to get through the holiday tomorrow.

Holiday Travel and Get-togethers

It is probably too late to make decisions about holiday travel, but you may still be questioning if it is a good idea to see local friends or relatives. That is hard to say. It is best for us to stay home and not spread Coronavirus the best that we can, but the social isolation can take a toll. It is one day this month where you would naturally get together, what harm is it to be together one day? Unfortunately it could cause a lot of harm, but so can being alone for a long time. So there is no clear answer.

Short Wave Podcast on NPR gives some advice on how to reduce possible harm this Thanksgiving, It includes keeping masks on as long as possible, keeping groups small, and using disposable utensils to help limit the spread. There are a few other things to consider if you do choose to see family and friends this holiday and more can be heard here.

Traveling is also a difficult decision to make. Close visits where you can travel independently by car is generally the safest, but NPR’s Indicator from Planet Money gives a non-traditional way of how to think about risk with travel for this holiday. More information can be found here.

Family and Friends

Another big concern is how to properly see people this holiday without possibly getting others sick. We have to follow the CDC guidelines that include staying 6 feet away from others, wearing masks, and doing our best to stay outside. If you are looking for more information on ways to help care for older people in this pandemic, NPR’s Life Kit has a quick guide on what you can do to help, including a printable guide!

Take Care of Yourself

And lastly, we need to remember to take care of ourselves during this difficult time. We need to learn to be more kind to ourselves and others because this is very difficult for everyone and we all need support right now. NPR’s Life Kit has many resources to help you find ways to be more kind to yourself and to build up your compassion during this unprecedented time.

We here at Embrace Change Therapy are also here to help. We want to provide you with resources and give you the support you need. Take a look at our past blog posts to see if there is anything that may help you at this time. Also, if you are looking for the additional support, please reach out to us by call, text, or email and we will do our best to set you up with a therapist during this very difficult time.

We wish everyone a very safe and healthy Thanksgiving!