• A Little Bit About Dissociation

    What is dissociation? Here’s a hint, it’s not always a part of Dissociative Identity Disorder or having multiple personalities. Most people have experienced some form of dissociation at some point in their lives. Like most things dissociative symptoms are on a spectrum. Some people may occasionally experience it throughout their life time and be able to use mindfulness and grounding…

  • How do people respond to trauma?

    We tend to think of trauma as some big event that causes PTSD, including symptoms like nightmares and flashbacks. While these things are true, trauma and symptoms of trauma can be subtle or show up where they aren’t expected. A traumatic event is anything that happens in which a person is negatively impacted to the point of not being able…

  • Phobophobia: The Fear Of Phobias

    Phobias, also known as excessive or irrational fears, can cause deep senses of dread or panic. You can develop a phobia of, well, just about anything. Phobophobia, or the fear of phobias, is an example of how specific phobias can actually be. Phobia severity ranges from a mild annoyance, to paralyzing fear. Oftentimes, people realize that their fear is irrational,…

  • Everything you need to know about shame

    Shame is one of the most debilitating emotions that we can feel as humans. It has a sneaky way of embedding itself within our minds in a way that becomes second nature. We may not even realize how much shame is affecting our day to day lives. What is shame? Shame is defined as not feeling worthy or enough. Oftentimes,…

  • Anxiety

    Anxiety can range from something as simple as feeling restless or difficulty falling asleep, to something as debilitating as a full-blown panic attack when attempting to leave the house. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 31.1% of adults in the United States will deal an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives. The difference between typical anxiety…