Finding and Building Self-Worth
Sit and think for a moment on the times when you were proud of yourself or felt the best about yourself. What do these moments have in common? What are some differences between these moments? Now, in those moments, were your positive feelings about yourself linked to: A.) A personal accomplishment. B.) A professional goal; […]
Contrary to popular belief, the concept of perfectionism is not based on the idea of being perfect, but rather the fear of failure. It is a constant feeling of not being good enough. Curran and Hill (2015) defined perfectionism as “an irrational desire to achieve along with being overly critical of oneself and others.” On […]
Finding Self
Are you the version of yourself that you have always wanted to be? Or are you a version of yourself that was formed, molded and shaped by those around you? Finding a strong sense of self can be difficult in a world that is constantly telling you what to do, who to be, what to look […]