Do You Know About Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?

Have you ever heard about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? It is a theory in psychology that was proposed by a man named Abraham Maslow in 1943. It focuses on a hierarchical approach to human motivation that is still used today. He proposes that there are five basic human needs and once these are fulfilled you […]

The Truth About Loneliness

“A season of loneliness and isolation is when the caterpillar gets its wings. Remember that next time you feel alone.” – Mandy Hale Loneliness is one of the hardest things to overcome; We have a natural need to be connected with others, through both physical and social contact. Although we can be surrounded by people […]

Finding and Building Self-Worth

Sit and think for a moment on the times when you were proud of yourself or felt the best about yourself. What do these moments have in common? What are some differences between these moments? Now, in those moments, were your positive feelings about yourself linked to: A.) A personal accomplishment. B.) A professional goal; […]