What are Goals and Objectives?

Life is a journey, and most journeys have end goals with stops along the way. When talking about goals and objectives we can think of the goal as being the destination and the objectives as the necessary pit stops. These objectives are each as important as the end goal. Imagine trying to do a cross […]

How do I negotiate?

Negotiation, like many other parts of life, is something we need to know in order the get what we want. Want a raise at work? Negotiate. Want to have pizza for dinner? Negotiate. Want the bigger dorm room? Negotiate. You are your best advocate and knowing how to negotiate can make you an even more […]

Finding and Building Self-Worth

Sit and think for a moment on the times when you were proud of yourself or felt the best about yourself. What do these moments have in common? What are some differences between these moments? Now, in those moments, were your positive feelings about yourself linked to: A.) A personal accomplishment. B.) A professional goal; […]

Learning New Skills

When was the last time you learned something new? Or began learning a new language? What about the last time you decided to pick-up a new skill? Recent research has been emphasizing the importance of learning new things and keeping your brain active. Neuroplasticity “refers to the physiological changes in the brain that happen as […]

Motivation and Productivity

Motivation is often defined as the inner driving force behind doing anything. However, there are two different types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is that which comes from within, rooted in one’s desires, curiosity, or simply because you want to. Extrinsic motivation is based on external factors, such as a reward, an outcome, […]