Feeling Stuck

“I feel stuck.” Have you ever said this to yourself at a time when you didn’t know what to do with your life, or where to go? It can feel completely debilitating not to be able to make a decision on how to spend the rest of your life, let alone the remainder of the […]

Risk Management

Each one of us has likely taken a risk. From something as huge as moving across the country to start a new job, to something as small as driving through a yellow light. But how do we determine whether or not to take that risk? A lot of the time, the potential benefits outweigh the […]

How do I negotiate?

Negotiation, like many other parts of life, is something we need to know in order the get what we want. Want a raise at work? Negotiate. Want to have pizza for dinner? Negotiate. Want the bigger dorm room? Negotiate. You are your best advocate and knowing how to negotiate can make you an even more […]

How to deal with difficult people

We have all had the pleasure of working with or encountering someone who just rubbed us the wrong way or frustrated us in new and unique ways. Unfortunately, difficult people are impossible to avoid, but we can all learn how to better deal with these people when our paths cross. How to handle ourselves when […]

Decision Making

We have all been faced with a situation that we just cannot figure out the answer to. Different facets of psychology offer many different explanations and methods for making decisions. Let’s look at a few of them: In industrial and organizational psychology, leaders are often divided into four decision-making styles: The Directive, The Analytical, The […]