Eating Disorders: The Types, Signs and Treatment

Eating disorders involve a complex and damaging relationship with food, eating, exercise, and body image. There are a variety of eating disorders and not all treatment is the same. Eating disorders can present in diverse ways, it may not always be obvious that someone is struggling. There is not necessarily one single cause for an […]
When does fear become a phobia?

A phobia is a fear about a specific object or situation. Some phobias are very specific and limited (arachnophobia – fear of spiders only occurs when a spider is seen), others are more general (fear of heights – can occur when looking out a high window or driving over a bridge). There are approximately 19 […]
What To Consider If You Want To Quit Smoking

Not sure where to start? First, it’s a good idea to understand why you want to quit smoking. Recognizing your own reasoning can help you use the right tools and be successful. Knowing the benefits of quitting smoking can be a huge motivator as well. It is important to have a good understanding of why […]
Do You Know About Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?

Have you ever heard about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? It is a theory in psychology that was proposed by a man named Abraham Maslow in 1943. It focuses on a hierarchical approach to human motivation that is still used today. He proposes that there are five basic human needs and once these are fulfilled you […]
Ways Alcohol Consumption Can Impact You

March is mostly commonly associated with St. Patrick’s day. The holiday that many hear about and think of the color green. But some may hear about St. Patrick’s day and think about an alcoholic beverage. As we are approaching the holiday this week, it may be helpful to reflect about alcohol consumption before partaking in […]
Heart Health All Year Long

February was American Heart Health Month but what are some ways you can continue that awareness all year long? Focusing on hearth health is not geared towards just one population. We can all benefit from taking time to learn more and focus on our cardiovascular health. Know Your Risks. Speak with a doctor to learn […]
How To Improve Memory

Memory impacts daily life in a variety of ways – from remembering a new friend’s name to making sure you leave a few minutes early in order to fill the car up with gas – and it can be extremely frustrating to notice when memory fluctuates. Stress, depression, anxiety, and aging are common factors that […]
What Intentions Do You Have For The New Year?

As the new year approaches many reflect on what has transpired over the past year. There is often talk about creating resolutions for the year to come. There can be negative feelings associated with this as often times, resolutions fizzle out and then you end up disappointed or feeling down on yourself. Instead, when reflecting […]
Ways To Set Boundaries This Holiday Season

Setting healthy boundaries can be difficult any time of year. Around the holidays, boundaries can be especially challenging. Many people spend more time with family during the holidays, and this can sometimes activate old relationship patterns. We may feel trapped in old ways of expressing ourselves and responding to others. Emotions tend to run high […]
Breaking Negative Cycles With Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Do you ever feel stuck in a spiral of negative thoughts and emotions? Do you find yourself doing the same thing over and over again even when it’s not working? These kinds of negative cycles are at the root of many human problems, from anxiety and depression to relationship issues and substance use disorders. Finding […]