Feeling Stuck

“I feel stuck.” Have you ever said this to yourself at a time when you didn’t know what to do with your life, or where to go? It can feel completely debilitating not to be able to make a decision on how to spend the rest of your life, let alone the remainder of the […]


What is empowerment? Where can I find it? According to Merriam Webster’s dictionary, empower is defined as “to give official authority or legal power to”, “to enable” and “to promote the self-actualization or influence of’. For this post, we are going to focus on the last definition, specifically in regards to self-empowerment or personal empowerment. […]

Finding and Building Self-Worth

Sit and think for a moment on the times when you were proud of yourself or felt the best about yourself. What do these moments have in common? What are some differences between these moments? Now, in those moments, were your positive feelings about yourself linked to: A.) A personal accomplishment. B.) A professional goal; […]

Decision Making

We have all been faced with a situation that we just cannot figure out the answer to. Different facets of psychology offer many different explanations and methods for making decisions. Let’s look at a few of them: In industrial and organizational psychology, leaders are often divided into four decision-making styles: The Directive, The Analytical, The […]