Helpful Tips For 2023 Healthcare Open Enrollment

Did you know that healthcare open enrollment for insurance started on November 1st? That’s right, we now have the option to apply for healthcare coverage for 2023. Maybe you are familiar with this process or maybe this is your first time entering this beast of a world for insurance. Before you go out to search […]

Matrescence: How Identity Changes When Becoming A Parent

Becoming a parent changes everything. Your days are packed with new tasks, and you have to prioritize things differently. Your little one is growing with astonishing speed. But what about the changes happening inside you? If you experienced pregnancy and birth, you’ve already felt your body transform in amazing ways. But the ways parenthood transforms […]

The Magic Of Art And Healing Perfectionism

Many people struggle with perfectionism–the fear of failure, the self-criticism, the feeling of never being good enough. One activity that triggers perfectionist thinking in many people is art making. When you imagine making art, do any of these thoughts spring to mind? “I’m not an artist.” “I can’t draw a straight line.” “I’m going to […]

Tips to Help Manage Anger in Children

Sometimes when children are angry they have powerful reactions. They are tiny beings full of intense emotion and feelings. These reactions may not always be the best and can hurt themselves or others. It can be challenging to teach kids how to manage their anger. This includes how to calm down or process their emotions. […]

September, It’s Suicide Prevention Month

September is national suicide prevention month. This week is notably important as the 4th through the 10th is suicide awareness week. So, what does this all mean? Throughout the month people across the nation come together to promote suicide prevention awareness. It is a time that we reflect on those who have been affected by […]

How to Support Women’s Reproductive Rights

The overturn of Roe v. Wade has greatly affected the country. Almost every state has been impacted by this overturn. This means that millions of women have had their constitutional right taken away as abortion will no longer be available. Each individual state can ban abortions for any reason. So, while Row v. Wade was […]

New Changes For The Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Maybe you have heard of the suicide prevention lifeline. The original number 1-800-273-8255 has been a nationwide program that was assembled by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). This number and resource grew in recognition during 2017 after the rapper Logic put out the song titled 1-800-273-8255. In with the new, 988. […]

ADHD Is More Than A Label

I’m sure you have probably heard about ADHD at some point in your life. But, how much do you know about Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? Studies show that people all over the globe have been diagnosed with ADHD. This includes kids, adolescents, and adults which can all be diagnosed with ADHD. Kids are the largest population […]

Are you in search of better quality sleep?

Sleep is essential. There is no argument there. Those hours of rest allow the mind and body to recharge. When you run on little to no sleep you can have a hard time with focus, alertness, and retention. Not every night will entail that you drift away easily into a magical dreamworld. But there are […]

Ways To Be An Ally Every Month Of The Year

June It’s Pride month. You may see events all over your area in support of the LGBT community and freedom to be themselves. For more information about Pride and a bit of history, check out a previous blog we put together. Pride events welcome allies and it is a great opportunity to show support and […]