How to deal with difficult people

We have all had the pleasure of working with or encountering someone who just rubbed us the wrong way or frustrated us in new and unique ways. Unfortunately, difficult people are impossible to avoid, but we can all learn how to better deal with these people when our paths cross. How to handle ourselves when […]

How does one set boundaries?

What exactly are boundaries? In the simplest form, they are things that indicate limits. We have boundaries all around us, set by friends, family, and society. Boundaries can also emotional, mental, spiritual, sexual, financial or moral in nature. How do we learn about boundaries? Boundaries are something that we should start to see as young […]

Time Management

First and foremost, are we talking about time management or procrastination? Procrastination is often thought of as an issue of time management, not an issue of emotion. However, in recent years it has been linked more to emotions than previously thought. A lack of ability to manage time, or a propensity towards procrastination generally stems […]

Personal Growth

Googling “personal growth” will provide you with a plethora of quick fixes and easy steps to help you grow. Truthfully, there is no quick fix or 3 easy steps to personal growth. It is inherently personal in nature, and often requires a great deal of self-reflection and time to process. However, there are definitely ways […]

Change is scary, so how do we deal with our fear of change?

The fear of change is one of the most common fears out there. This fear of change is a fear of uncertainty. When things change, we are unsure of that is coming next, and often it is impossible to predict. We can wish, and hope and plan for something, but the reality is that life […]

Quick History of Pride Month in the US

Happy Pride Month! Whether you identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ movement, as an ally, or as none of the above, it is important to understand the origins of Pride as we now know it. On July 4th, 1964, a group of a dozen or so people, clad in business casual attire, gathered in front […]

How to Support Black Lives Matter

Let us just start with this: Black Lives Matter. We are wholly unprepared, uneducated, and inexperienced. I have never lived and experienced racism, and therefore should not be writing about it or educating people about it. Instead, we at Embrace Change Therapy are going to use this opportunity to amplify the voices of people of […]


What is the difference between being assertive and being aggressive? It all boils down to perception and intent. Assertive is defined as “characterized by bold or confident statements and behavior” whereas aggressive is defined as “marked by combative readiness” and “marked by obtrusive energy and self-assertiveness”. In self-expression, if a statement or question is merely […]

Problem Solving

We are all faced with problems each day, but how do we address those problems? Have you figured out what kind of problem solver or decision maker you are? Continue reading for a few helpful strategies that might help the calm your problem-solving woes. A concept that may seem somewhat counter intuitive may yield the […]