Some basics about non-traditional relationships

Are you one of the estimated 20% of the United States that has participated in consensual non-monogamy? (Haupert et al., 2017) Are you interested in being part of a non-traditional relationship? Are you just curious? We pride ourselves on being open-minded and inclusive of all genders, races, relationships, sexual or romantic preferences, perspectives, careers, etc. […]

Advice for Long Distance Relationships

Long Distance Relationships (LDRs) can be difficult to navigate, but they can also be just as rewarding as traditional relationships. According to a study in 2015, a group of 1000 long distance couples participated in a study to determine what made a long distance relationship successful. A few trends became evident throughout the study, here […]

Career Counseling

Choosing a career is a complex decision, and who better to help you with said decision than someone who is professionally trained in helping people make those decisions. Career Counselors exist to help you figure out what is important to you, what your strengths are, what you are interested in and how these things can […]

Risk Management

Each one of us has likely taken a risk. From something as huge as moving across the country to start a new job, to something as small as driving through a yellow light. But how do we determine whether or not to take that risk? A lot of the time, the potential benefits outweigh the […]

Difficulty managing new people

Being a manager is not an easy task. You have to be kind but firm, care but not care too much, and be able to effectively resolve conflicts as they arise. Not everyone is suited to management, and that is okay. But how do we become effective managers when we have difficult people working under […]

Simple tips to help with relocating

There is no way around it, moving can be an incredibly a stressful and frustrating ordeal. But moving can be so many other things too. If you are relocating due to a job, think about all of the new opportunities that will be available for you, all the doors this new job could open for […]

How to handle lay offs

Coronavirus or COVID-19 has recently created a wave of lay-offs and shut downs. Businesses have closed their doors, both temporarily and permanently. Life, jobs, and finances are shrouded in uncertainty. The most important thing to remember is to not take it personally. You did not personally create and distribute Coronavirus (COVID-19) on a massive scale. […]

What to consider before retiring

Retirement. It is often the light at the end of the tunnel after years of trudging through work week after work week, business meeting after business meeting. A break in the monotony of Corporate America. But what does retirement actually entail? It may not be all lounging in the pool and sipping fancy drinks as […]

Should I change careers or stay at my current job?

Do you look forward to going to work each morning? Do you feel fulfilled at your current job? Do you enjoy what you do? If you answered no to any or all these questions, it may be time for you to think about making a career change. It is in fact quite common for people […]

How do I negotiate?

Negotiation, like many other parts of life, is something we need to know in order the get what we want. Want a raise at work? Negotiate. Want to have pizza for dinner? Negotiate. Want the bigger dorm room? Negotiate. You are your best advocate and knowing how to negotiate can make you an even more […]