Learning New Skills

When was the last time you learned something new? Or began learning a new language? What about the last time you decided to pick-up a new skill? Recent research has been emphasizing the importance of learning new things and keeping your brain active. Neuroplasticity “refers to the physiological changes in the brain that happen as […]

Communication Skills

Every single person can improve upon communication skills. Whether it’s at work, with friends, or with a partner, communication is an important part of creating and maintaining healthy relationships. Communication is not limited to just speaking well, but also encompasses one’s ability to listen. There are many different types of communicators, but in business, people […]

Grief and Loss

Unfortunately, grief and loss are an inevitable part of life. Whether it is losing a pet, a parent, a job or a relationship, we as humans need to allow ourselves time to grieve. A common theoretical model of grief and loss was first proposed in 1969 by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her book On Death and […]


At some point in time, we may have heard that stress is bad for our bodies, but how does it actually affect us? Research shows that persistent stress can cause our immune system to decrease, our Cortisol levels to increase, our muscle mass to decline and even alter our brain chemistry. When our brain is […]

Motivation and Productivity

Motivation is often defined as the inner driving force behind doing anything. However, there are two different types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is that which comes from within, rooted in one’s desires, curiosity, or simply because you want to. Extrinsic motivation is based on external factors, such as a reward, an outcome, […]


Anxiety can range from something as simple as feeling restless or difficulty falling asleep, to something as debilitating as a full-blown panic attack when attempting to leave the house. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 31.1% of adults in the United States will deal an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives. […]

Social and Emotional Loneliness

The concept of loneliness has been around for centuries. Songs have been written about it “this night’s a perfect shade of dark blue (dark blue) have you ever been alone in a crowded room when I’m here with you” (Jack’s Mannequin – Dark Blue), poems have been written about it:  I came up with one […]

Coping Skills

If you have dealt with any level of stress or anxiety in your life, there is a good chance that you have stumbled across something called a “coping skill”. But what is a coping skill exactly? And how does it work? How we deal with stress stems from both “biological and social” roots. As a […]

Uncertainty in Life and the Future

Uncertainty is an inevitable part of being human. Whether it is in your work life—getting laid off, your personal life—breaking up with a significant other—or your family—an unexpected death of a loved one—we all need to learn to deal with the uncertainty around us. For instance, here are a few helpful tips from the experts […]