Feeling Stuck

“I feel stuck.” Have you ever said this to yourself at a time when you didn’t know what to do with your life, or where to go? It can feel completely debilitating not to be able to make a decision on how to spend the rest of your life, let alone the remainder of the […]

Feeling Overwhelmed? The Burnout Blues

Most likely, you’ve experienced burnout at least once in your life (I know I have!). When the stress of work gets to be too much, you may begin to feel the effects. Now add on the stress of maintaining a family life, a social life, and a personal life. Chances are, it feels nearly impossible […]


“Innocent sleep. Sleep that soothes away all our worries. Sleep that puts each day to rest. Sleep that relieves the weary laborer and heals hurt minds. Sleep, the main course in life’s feast, and the most nourishing.”   – WS, Macbeth The joy and importance of sleep has been known among humans since well before […]