How do I negotiate?

Negotiation, like many other parts of life, is something we need to know in order the get what we want. Want a raise at work? Negotiate. Want to have pizza for dinner? Negotiate. Want the bigger dorm room? Negotiate. You are your best advocate and knowing how to negotiate can make you an even more […]

Learning New Skills

When was the last time you learned something new? Or began learning a new language? What about the last time you decided to pick-up a new skill? Recent research has been emphasizing the importance of learning new things and keeping your brain active. Neuroplasticity “refers to the physiological changes in the brain that happen as […]

Communication Skills

Every single person can improve upon communication skills. Whether it’s at work, with friends, or with a partner, communication is an important part of creating and maintaining healthy relationships. Communication is not limited to just speaking well, but also encompasses one’s ability to listen. There are many different types of communicators, but in business, people […]

Coping Skills

If you have dealt with any level of stress or anxiety in your life, there is a good chance that you have stumbled across something called a “coping skill”. But what is a coping skill exactly? And how does it work? How we deal with stress stems from both “biological and social” roots. As a […]