Do You Know About Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?

Have you ever heard about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? It is a theory in psychology that was proposed by a man named Abraham Maslow in 1943. It focuses on a hierarchical approach to human motivation that is still used today. He proposes that there are five basic human needs and once these are fulfilled you […]

Do You Need A Boost Of Motivation?

Do you ever wish you had an extra pump of motivation? I know I do. At times it is hard to find. Whether it be to complete simple tasks or to get your day going, there are ways to increase your motivation. It is possible to give yourself a boost by changing up your habits. […]

Feeling Overwhelmed? The Burnout Blues

Most likely, you’ve experienced burnout at least once in your life (I know I have!). When the stress of work gets to be too much, you may begin to feel the effects. Now add on the stress of maintaining a family life, a social life, and a personal life. Chances are, it feels nearly impossible […]

Difficulty managing new people

Being a manager is not an easy task. You have to be kind but firm, care but not care too much, and be able to effectively resolve conflicts as they arise. Not everyone is suited to management, and that is okay. But how do we become effective managers when we have difficult people working under […]

Motivation and Productivity

Motivation is often defined as the inner driving force behind doing anything. However, there are two different types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is that which comes from within, rooted in one’s desires, curiosity, or simply because you want to. Extrinsic motivation is based on external factors, such as a reward, an outcome, […]

Social and Emotional Loneliness

The concept of loneliness has been around for centuries. Songs have been written about it “this night’s a perfect shade of dark blue (dark blue) have you ever been alone in a crowded room when I’m here with you” (Jack’s Mannequin – Dark Blue), poems have been written about it:  I came up with one […]