Guilt: The Emotion of Feeling Responsible
Feeling guilt is a completely normal emotional experience that everybody feels when they realize they have compromised their own standards or universal moral standards. When we think guilt, we think of a criminal being guilty, so what happens when we feel guilty, over something that feels huge, but may not actually need a guilty feeling […]
How to handle lay offs
Coronavirus or COVID-19 has recently created a wave of lay-offs and shut downs. Businesses have closed their doors, both temporarily and permanently. Life, jobs, and finances are shrouded in uncertainty. The most important thing to remember is to not take it personally. You did not personally create and distribute Coronavirus (COVID-19) on a massive scale. […]
Grief and Loss
Unfortunately, grief and loss are an inevitable part of life. Whether it is losing a pet, a parent, a job or a relationship, we as humans need to allow ourselves time to grieve. A common theoretical model of grief and loss was first proposed in 1969 by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her book On Death and […]