Matrescence: How Identity Changes When Becoming A Parent

Becoming a parent changes everything. Your days are packed with new tasks, and you have to prioritize things differently. Your little one is growing with astonishing speed. But what about the changes happening inside you? If you experienced pregnancy and birth, you’ve already felt your body transform in amazing ways. But the ways parenthood transforms […]
What is Hypervigilance?

Hypervigilance is a symptom that is often found in anxiety disorders and traumatic stress disorders. Hypervigilance is being on high alert, extra aware of their surroundings, high anxiety, fearful, or avoidant of threatening things. Commonly hypervigilance appears after a stressful or traumatic event that threatened the individuals emotional or physical safety. It can look different […]
Information about Sleep Disturbances

We all know that sleep is important. Without the right amount of sleep, things like focus, emotional bandwidth, tolerance, psychical and mental health, motivation, and overall functioning can be significantly impacted. Additionally, it has been found that a lack of sleep can contribute to decreased mental health. Sleep disturbances are often a symptom of several […]
What are the Different Types of Emotions?

Natural emotions Most people experience a variety of emotions throughout their life. Most of these experienced emotions are in reaction to something; an event, a person, something gross, or something pleasant or comforting. Sometimes these emotions are intense and fleeting, and other times they stick around. When we have an immediate emotional response to something […]
Phobophobia: The Fear Of Phobias

Phobias, also known as excessive or irrational fears, can cause deep senses of dread or panic. You can develop a phobia of, well, just about anything. Phobophobia, or the fear of phobias, is an example of how specific phobias can actually be. Phobia severity ranges from a mild annoyance, to paralyzing fear. Oftentimes, people realize […]
The Truth About Loneliness

“A season of loneliness and isolation is when the caterpillar gets its wings. Remember that next time you feel alone.” – Mandy Hale Loneliness is one of the hardest things to overcome; We have a natural need to be connected with others, through both physical and social contact. Although we can be surrounded by people […]
Risk Management

Each one of us has likely taken a risk. From something as huge as moving across the country to start a new job, to something as small as driving through a yellow light. But how do we determine whether or not to take that risk? A lot of the time, the potential benefits outweigh the […]
Change is scary, so how do we deal with our fear of change?

The fear of change is one of the most common fears out there. This fear of change is a fear of uncertainty. When things change, we are unsure of that is coming next, and often it is impossible to predict. We can wish, and hope and plan for something, but the reality is that life […]

Contrary to popular belief, the concept of perfectionism is not based on the idea of being perfect, but rather the fear of failure. It is a constant feeling of not being good enough. Curran and Hill (2015) defined perfectionism as “an irrational desire to achieve along with being overly critical of oneself and others.” On […]
Life Transitions

Life transitions can induce all types of feelings, from ecstasy or excitement, all the way to dread or confusion. Transitional periods in your life, such as a marriage, having a child, switching jobs, retirement, loss of a loved one or moving across the country can be difficult to navigate on your own; and therefore are […]