How do people respond to trauma?

We tend to think of trauma as some big event that causes PTSD, including symptoms like nightmares and flashbacks. While these things are true, trauma and symptoms of trauma can be subtle or show up where they aren’t expected. A traumatic event is anything that happens in which a person is negatively impacted to the […]

Your Body Does Not Determine Your Worth

Body positivity, body acceptance, Health at Every Size. These are all movements/ideologies that have been gaining traction in recent years. Each of these labels signifies a group of people that want to make a statement. This statement is that everyone in any body deserves to have a positive body image. Beauty is a social construct […]

Why you need a Support System

One of the biggest predictors of recovery or improved mental health is an individual’s access to and use of their support system. Support systems can consist of family, friends, mentors, or peer relationships. It can include teachers, classmates, a faith community, or co-workers and can look different for different people. Some people may have a […]

The Window of Tolerance

Whether it is talked about in this way or not, one goal of therapy is almost always to help clients to widen their Window of Tolerance. What is the Window of Tolerance you ask? It is a space where we can exist in life in which we feel that we can handle what is thrown […]

Consent is More Than Just Sex

Consent is a topic we don’t touch on enough in daily life. Consent is most often discussed in relation to sex but it’s bigger than that. Each of us begins to learn about consent as children. Oftentimes the earliest consent violations occur when a child is forced to kiss or hug a relative when they […]

External Validity vs Internal Validity

When testing the accuracy of a finding or hypothesis, it is essential to test whether or not the hypothesis is correct and applicable to the situation it is concerned with. Thus, two methods of validity are present, both responsible for checking different aspects of a hypothesis. These methods are internal and external validity. Internal validity […]

Self Harm: What We Need To Talk About

Self harm isn’t just cutting or burning yourself, it could be drinking Red Bull after Red Bull, lighting another cigarette, or spending every last penny you have on unnecessary things. Isolation, hypersexuality, and binge eating are rarely seen as self-harm, but to those with a mental illness, they can be as, if not more, harmful […]

What to Know About Codependency

Do you find yourself relying on another person for your self-worth, being unable to think for yourself, or function independently? If this is relatable for you, you’re probably in a codependent relationship. Codependent relationships are unhealthy, especially since they may involve a person intentionally or unintentionally taking advantage of someone else. What is Codependency? According […]

Examples of the Mandela Effect

The idea of a large number of people remembering an event incorrectly is not unknown. The Mandela Effect has been the target of a lot of attention, several theories, and mass hysteria. Everyone knows about the death of Nelson Mandela and that a large number of people remembered itincorrectly. What is the Mandela Effect? According […]

How to Create a Successful Life in 7 Easy Steps

Isn’t the possibility of success what drives us? When people don’t achieve the success they want, they may get demotivated.  If we want to be successful, we need to plan, take action, and strive to achieve our goals. In this article, we will talk about how to create a successful life in seven steps. What is Success? Success is the achievement of a goal […]