Let us just start with this: Black Lives Matter.

We are wholly unprepared, uneducated, and inexperienced. I have never lived and experienced racism, and therefore should not be writing about it or educating people about it. Instead, we at Embrace Change Therapy are going to use this opportunity to amplify the voices of people of color and encourage our readers to learn about how to be anti-racist. This is by no means a complete list, just a jumping off point. If you do not understand why this is important, here is a video that explains Systemic Racism in a nutshell:

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrHIQIO_bdQ .

What to Read:

– ‘How to be Anti-Racist’ by Ibram X. Kendi

– ‘Me and White Supremacy’ by Layla Saad

– ‘So You Want to Talk About Race’ by Ijeoma Oluo

Where to Donate:

– Black Lives Matter – https://blacklivesmatter.com/

– Reclaim the Block – https://www.reclaimtheblock.org/home

– Detroit Justice Center – https://www.detroitjustice.org/

What to Watch:

– ‘13th’ (Netflix)

– ‘Dear White People’ (Netflix)

– ‘I Am Not Your Negro’ – A James Baldwin Documentary –