Do you ever wish you had an extra pump of motivation? I know I do. At times it is hard to find. Whether it be to complete simple tasks or to get your day going, there are ways to increase your motivation. It is possible to give yourself a boost by changing up your habits.

There are two types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic. You need a combination of them to help you achieve your goals. Intrinsic is internal. It is desire to accomplish something that comes from within. Extrinsic is external. It is like a reward system. For example, if you want to get that new pair of shoes, you must complete certain tasks to receive them.

Motivation can be hard to find at times. But here are a few bits of inspiration for next time you’re in a rut:

Create Rituals

We all have our own routine or rituals that we take part in. By editing our routine on occasion can help us feel more motivated. For example, to get you studying for an exam you might first put on a groovy playlist, then get a fancy coffee, and finally settle down to hit the books. This ritual gets your mind and body ready to go for a study session every time.

Reward System

Rewards are nice. It may sound simple or childish to rewards yourself for a task, but it works. You can tell yourself to get X, Y, and Z done before you can take a break or do something you enjoy. As a result, you will feel more motivated.

Know Triggers

Be aware of your triggers. Can you name some right now? It is good to know what is not good for you or makes you upset. This way you can steer clear and adjust your plan. It allows you to focus your time and energy into things that will benefit you.

Motivating Music

Something magical comes from a song that hits just right. It is amazing how easily it can change your mood. Do you ever hear a song you enjoy and next thing you know you’re belting out the lyrics? Turn on some music that makes you happy. Pump up the jams and get things done!

Your “Why”

Look inside yourself and find your “why”. Does your “why” motivate you to get the end result? When you are passionate about something it pushes you and becomes your drive. Sometimes our why changes as we grow, and that’s okay.

Be Open-minded

You are capable of anything you put your mind to. We can be our own worst enemy. Often being the hardest on ourselves. Try changing negative thoughts into positive ones. Be open minded as you take on the day. As they say, “the world is your oyster”.

Support System

You should be the biggest supporter in achieving your goals. The second should be a great support system of family and friends. Fill your social circle with people who lift you up. You want to be around creative positive minds. Having support in your corner can help motivate you to get after your goals even more. Who are your cheerleaders?

Review Progress

Take time to reflect on where you have been, where you are now, and what is ahead. For example, imagine hiking up a large hill or mountain and then you turn around to look back. Maybe you think “dang, look how far I’ve come”. This reflection on progress is what helps you to keep going.

Whatever challenges or experiences you have, find a way to benefit from the outcome and the journey. When you focus on the positive things, no matter how small, it can change your whole outlook. Remember that what motivates you may change over time. Be mindful and reassess from time to time.