Our mind is powerful. But do you ever wish it would just turn off for a moment so you could get some peace? Well, you are not alone. Many suffer from having an overactive mind. Imagine a hamster on their wheel just going and going. They need a break, and so do you. Increased anxiety or stressed could be causing your mind to be working even more. This constant slew of thoughts can deplete your energy and keep you distracted from the present moment. Because of this, it can be harder to concentrate but there are ways to help quiet down your mind.


When you focus on your breathing your mind must shift gears and slow down. Your thoughts may wander but try to bring your focus back to breathing. There are a variety of breathing techniques easily found on the internet. Give one a try that might fit your style.


Writing things down gets them out of your head and on to paper. Think of it as a “brain dump”. It is a physical act of letting go of those thoughts for now and recognizing they are somewhere safe to revisit at a better time. The act of writing engages your mind and reduces the persistent thoughts.


If your brain if going on overdrive then you are thinking about past, present, and future. Allow yourself the space to focus only on the present. As a result, your mind gets into one lane and starts to relax as it becomes more focused. Ask yourself “how am I feeling in this moment?”.


Try using a mantra. A mantra is a simple phrase or a single word. It is something you can repeat to yourself. If you find your mind racing, repeat your mantra over and over so you focus only of the mantra and the other thoughts fade away. When your mind drifts, just bring it back to your mantra.


It is important to eliminate stress before bed. If your brain is on overload and you lay down for bed, you are probably going to have a hard time falling asleep. To ease your stress levels, you can get out your thoughts, do a brief bedtime stretch or have try reading a good book to relieve that stress.

Slowing your mind won’t come with an overnight solution. It will take practice to find what fits your style and works best for calming you. Give yourself grace as you continue to be patient with progress. If you find you are not able to get your overactive mind to rest, try reaching out for help from a mental health professional.