Grief is something we have all experienced. There is no “normal” time for how long you can grieve. Some may process it faster than others. Some may take years to process. There are even those who try to block out their feelings about the loss that happened. No matter the way your journey goes, facing your feelings of grief are unavoidable.

We must remind ourselves that there is no “right” way to grieve. Each loss is a personal experience.

Many feelings arise during such a time. Feelings of guilt, and confusion. Even those of joy, and comfort may surface.

Typically, when one thinks of grief, they associate it with the death of a loved one. Though that is most common, there are many things that someone could mourn.

The loss of a parent, sibling, or friend. Maybe it was a pet, a job, or divorce that caused these feelings.

It is okay to sit with your emotions and process what you are experiencing.

There are all different ways to handle your feelings of grief. Here are just a few:

Remember to not compare your journey to others. Allow yourself time and a little bit of grace. To grow in life, we must go through both good and not so good times. Each experience shows us new lessons in unexpected ways. It is okay to have a variety of emotions, both happy and sad when working through your grief.