Social media is everywhere. Almost everyone has it. If you aren’t “online”, are you even living? The apps like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Tik Tok can be all consuming. One minute you open an app and start scrolling. Next thing you know 30 minutes of screen time went by as realize you went down a rabbit hole.

Social media has it benefits. Like coming across this post, am I right? It allows you to escape from a busy day or learn something new. Unfortunately, it also has its downfalls like internet trolls, misinformation, and the over consumption of screen time.

Feeling Overwhelmed?

If you feel like social media is always on your mind or realize that it is impacting your day, here are some things to reflect on.

Mindful Ways to Decrease Screen Time

Once you reflect on your relationship you might think, hey, I need to take a step back. Setting boundaries can be healthy for yourself both mentally and emotionally. You are important. It is ok to put yourself and your needs first.

Here are some ways you can set boundaries with social media.

Take a break from social media. Maybe for a day, week, or a month. However long it may be, taking a break can give you time to refocus your attention.

Set time limits for app usage. If you have a hard time pulling yourself away from the app, try setting a time limit on your phone. Each day you will be allotted the time you choose. Once you have reached it, you can no longer access the app for the reminder of the day.

Turn off notifications. Do you ever feel a ping of excitement when you get a notification? It sure is thrilling to get your heart racing but it is also distracting. Turning off notifications removes that instant reaction and distraction from more important tasks.

Remove the app from your view. Try removing the social media apps from your phone. It makes you have a more conscious effort to log in through a browser. If you aren’t ready to take that commitment quiet yet, removing the app from your home screen resolves the quick and mindless temptation of checking your social media.