Ever heard of Forest Bathing? No, it’s not taking a bath outside. Forest bathing allows you to slow down and become immersed in nature. It might sound simple but even a short walk has many health benefits. It can reduce stress, anxiety and increase immune support function. Who knew that something right outside your door could provide you with such a relaxing, and healthy experience?

Unlike a busy day at work, or home, the great outdoors provides an opportunity for your mind to unwind. There are no demands for your attention like a constant slew of emails, or never-ending phone calls, it is just you and the trees. It is important to take time for yourself and allow your mind to decompress. Forest bathing is free, you just go outside for a walk. Here are a few health benefits you can keep in mind next time you go out for a walk.

Lower Blood Pressure

Getting outside to forest bathe allows that fresh air to get into your system. Trees and plants have their own natural fragrance, like those crisp fall days when you can smell the leaves. Fresh air and movement help to reduce stress that may be upping your blood pressure.

Increase Awe in Nature

Do you ever get to your destination and think “WOW” this is amazing? Well, this type of awe experience with forest bathing allows you to reflect on the fact that there are things out there much bigger than ourselves.

Promote Cancer-fighting Cells

When walking through the forest you inhale natural essential oil, think of it like that crisp fall leaf smell. These smell cells help support the immune system. These fancy cells are associated with a lower risk of cancer.

Help Anxiety and Depression Symptoms

When out for a walk your mind gets the chance to relax and shift gears as you move into the present moment. Research shows that a 90-minute nature walk can decrease repetitive thoughts often found with depression and anxiety.

Help with ADHD Symptoms

Do you or someone you know have ADHD? Try some fresh air. Studies found that kids with ADHD who took a walk out in nature during their breaks compared to those who did not, were found to have better concentration. Nature allows the brain to rest and rejuvenate.

“Fake” Nature Benefits

Studies show that having plants in your home or right outside your window still provide benefits. Kind of like how listening to sounds of waves or thunderstorms  on a sound machine can be relaxing for some. Even artificial aspects of nature can have positive health effects.