
It’s Pride month. You may see events all over your area in support of the LGBT community and freedom to be themselves. For more information about Pride and a bit of history, check out a previous blog we put together. Pride events welcome allies and it is a great opportunity to show support and listen to others.

So, what is an Ally? An Ally is someone who is not LGBTQ but is supportive and helps stand up for those who are. For more information, here is a short video on how to be a LGBTQIA+ Ally. Being an Ally goes beyond Pride month. If you’re wondering how you can be an Ally or be a better Ally here are some ideas.

Suggestions for being an Ally:

Listen – Be there to listen to your friends, family, or coworkers. People may want a welcoming nonjudgmental space to voice their feelings.

Don’t make comments or jokes that are harmful – Pay attention to what you are saying. If you don’t have something nice, don’t say anything at all.

Look inward at your own prejudices and bias – Sometimes we are not aware of our own bias. If the actions of others are making you feel a type of way, take a moment to reflect on why.

Treat everyone with kindness regardless of their lifestyle or views – Like the saying, treat others how you wish to be treated. We can coexist with those who are different than us.

Education yourself – There is a spectrum of sexualities, terms, and resources. If you want to know more about something, you can ask someone who is knowledgeable of the subject or find resources that can assist in providing you information.

Use appropriate pronouns – If you are unsure about someone’s pronouns, just ask. Using appropriate pronouns can make someone feel recognized and appreciated. If you misgender someone you can apologize and correct it.

Want to know more?

Part of being an Ally is the continually journey of learning. Culture is ever-evolving and it is okay to check in on with friends, family or coworkers to see if you can support them in different ways. If you ever feel confused about how you can be an Ally or if you would like to do more you can ask someone who is part of the LGBTQ community. You can also look online for ways to support your local community or education opportunities to learn more.

A great resource for information can be found here. It includes a downloadable resource for being an LGBTQ Ally. It includes information on history, ways to support, resources for all, terminology, and more.