Are you finding it hard to escape from all the negative going on in the world? Well, you aren’t alone. Many are facing a challenge as we have this constant feed of news. Right now, information on the invasion of Ukraine can be found just about anywhere and everywhere. It is important to stay informed, but it is easy to get overwhelmed by the news. Something to keep in mind is that while you many do not have all the answers to what is going on, you can control your own situation and find support when needed.

This influx of information from the news, radio, and social media may cause your anxiety to rise. A great article released by NPR- LifeKit talks about things you can do to care for yourself as you cope with stressful news.

Here are five way to find comfort and bring relief when coping with the news and current events

Breathing – A tried and true technique. Trying a breathing exercise can bring your focus back to the present moment and help you find a sense of calm.

Movement – Carving out time to get up and move your body is important. It doesn’t have to mean exercise. Try cleaning up a room in the house or another activity you have been meaning to get to. Just get up and move your body.

Nourishment – Look at this like “filling up your cup” or “feeding the soul” in the kitchen. Cooking can be a great stress relief. Try that recipe you have been eyeing or get together with family and make a special dish.

Connection – Social connection is so important. Reach out to someone through facetime. Get together with friends for a game night or go out to brunch. Having people in our corner makes us feel supported and allows for new joyful memories to be created.

Minimize – Media is like a double edge sword. It provides us news and keeps us in the loop but too much of it can make us feel in distress. Set boundaries with how much media you take in throughout the day.

Checking in on current events is not a bad thing. It is important to care and have a desire to know what is going on in the world and in your own backyard. When we have a constant stream of negative or sad news it can get the best of us and our mental health. It is okay to be kind to yourself and take a step back. The next time you find yourself overwhelmed by the news, try one of these activities to bring your comfort.