Do you find yourself struggling to get up in the morning? Do you look forward to a warm cup of coffee to help give you that extra jolt once you’re awake? Caffeine is a driving force for many in the morning, and throughout the day. I bet it is even hard to image life without it.

Coffee, tea, soda, and energy drinks are just a few of the beverages that contain caffeine. It doesn’t stop there. Even certain foods contain it. Yes, I’m talking about your chocolate bar.

There are many ways you can consume this magical energizing substance without even realizing. Something to try is being more mindful of what you are consuming every day and how it is impacting your body.

Sure, a little java has some health benefits. A light to moderate amount can help you focus and zap you into “work mode”.

But as we all know, sometimes too much of a good thing, is a bad thing. If you suffer from anxiety, then cutting back on your caffeine intake could help alleviate some of your symptoms.

Here are some other effects of too much caffeine:


Digestive Issues

Muscle Breakdown


High Blood Pressure

Rapid Heart Rate


Frequent Urination

Don’t give up your favorite caffeinated drink just yet. Again, some caffeine is good for you. Plus, those ever-changing seasonal coffee menus make it hard to resist a nice pick-me-up. If you are experiencing symptoms of too much caffeine, try being more mindful about your consumption. If you want to decrease your intake, it is best to reduce gradually.