Stress relief is not always the first thought we have when we are feeling worked up. Focusing too little on ourselves and our wellbeing. Stress is something we have all experienced at one point or another. A small dosage of it is good for you. At times it can keep you motivated to accomplish tasks or in a dangerous situation it could save your life.

Long term stress is when it becomes challenging. It can feel inconsolable at times and ultimately, could have lasting effects on you physically, emotionally, and mentally.

The important thing to remember is that you are not alone and there are many ways to help relieve your stress. From fast acting to long term mediations, you can find relief that works for you.

Lucky for you we will discuss a variety of the stress relief tips right here. We have broken things down into a three-part series on types of stress relief and what activities you can do. The focus will be on fast relief, short-term and long-term stress relief, and problem-focused coping.

Fast Acting Stress Relief

Think of fast acting relief like something immediate. In that moment a fast acting solution will alleviate your worry. It is not something that will totally keep the weight off your shoulders but it is quick and easy. Each of these strategies tap into at least one of your five senses. The goal is to bring relief to heavy feelings of stress and back to an uplifted mood.

Getting a hug from a loved one
Aromatherapy for stress relief
Creating art
Listen to music