Life is a journey, and most journeys have end goals with stops along the way. When talking about goals and objectives we can think of the goal as being the destination and the objectives as the necessary pit stops. These objectives are each as important as the end goal. Imagine trying to do a cross country road trip without stopping for food, or gas, or to see the sights. You might be able to do it if you stocked up, but it would be much less pleasurable. Objectives help us decide upon measurable steps in working towards our goals and can help us see our progress.

So how do you set this type of goal?

Well, it is important that each goal and objective is realistic and achievable. It can help to set your larger goals first and then break them down. What is the first step towards that goal? Now go smaller. If the steps decided on are too big it is easy to get discouraged and give up. One acronym that might help in this process is SMART; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Trackable.

Goals can be set for any area of life.

What are your goals for your mental health? Your career? How about your schooling?  Your relationships? If you have trouble setting goals or following through on them reach out to a mental health professional. They can help to break things down into more manageable steps and identify barriers that might be preventing your success.