Motivation is often defined as the inner driving force behind doing anything. However, there are two different types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is that which comes from within, rooted in one’s desires, curiosity, or simply because you want to. Extrinsic motivation is based on external factors, such as a reward, an outcome, or because someone else told you, asked you or implored you to do it. One theoretical perspective used to explain motivation is Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. It showed his understanding of the human progression from basic, physiological needs such as food, sleep and air, to the peak of human existence in self-actualization and self-transcendence. Through this process, Maslow believed that humans encountered and met all intrinsic, extrinsic, personal, and social goals. 

What should I do if I don’t have any motivation? First of all, don’t worry! Lack of motivation is pretty common and can be explained by a variety of reasons. Burnout, feeling overwhelmed, confidence and appropriate goal setting can all effect one’s motivation. Appropriate goal setting is a way to assess, activate and achieve within oneself. Setting small, achievable goals, or breaking a goal down into tangible tasks can make the goal less intimidating. It can help to inspire confidence as you see the smaller more palatable goals being met. Lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities can cause anxiety around goals that are set too high, or inappropriately. Tendencies towards perfectionism can often create anxiety surrounding goals and decrease productivity or increase procrastination.

 If you can’t figure it out on your own, there are professionals (like us) to help guide you. You are still strong and valuable if you ask for help.

Here is a quick, little five-minute quiz from Psychology Today that can help you assess your ability to set goals: Here is another useful Psychology Today quiz to assess your level of burnout:


Burkley, Ph.D., M. (2018, May 11). The One-Minute Motivation Hack That Could Change Your Life. Retrieved from

Garcia, Ph.D., S., Crossfield, Ph.D., A., & Nemko, Ph.D., M. (n.d.). Motivation. Retrieved from